Teens for Christ rallies…
Rallies are exciting monthly events where we combine all the Bible clubs and include area youth groups. Teens can get to know other Christian teens at these events, which include Lock-ins, Snow Tubing, Mission Impossible, Goose Chase and other fun events! All of them include uplifting speakers where teens hear a clear gospel message.


Save the Date! The date for our Annual Golf Tournament is July 8th from 12:45-6pm at the Kilkarney Hills Golf Club. It is located only 20 minutes East of the Twin Cities.
Player Fees:  $120 Per Player or $550.00 for a team with hole Sponsorship. Each team or player fee includes: Green fees, golf cart, champagne chicken dinner, and prize participation.
Please note: The time has been changed to 12:45pm.
Registration Coming Soon! 
is always a blast. Group games like Mission Impossible, Ultimate Frisbee, Bible Quizzing, Basketball, Volleyball, and more make camp one of the most memorable events of the year. Inspiring testimonies, challenging messages, powerful worship, and exciting attractions will contribute to what very well could be the best week of your summer!
WOW ( Women of the Word)
Come join us for a time of fellowship, purpose, fun connections and more!
Enjoy time together, learn from God’s Word, and dive into several water activities.  Overnights will be at a lake home near Alexandria, MN.
 For teen girls: 13-18 years Old.  Cost $150.  Trip Limit: 15 teens.  Departs from and returns to TFC Ministry Center.
June 16th-20th
Spend a fun weekend enjoying God’s outdoors, learning from God’s Word, and fishing with your friends and talented guides.
July 11th-13th
This trip happens during July each year.  We leave the TFC Ministry Center at 8am on Friday morning and return by 7pm on Sunday evening.
Cost is: $45
Limited to 20 teen guys
Games Week: July 21st-24th
Join us for a fantastic week of fun and friends!
-Board, Card & Video Games
-Meals and overnights at TFC
Cost: $100  ~  Limit of 20 teens
Reach out to Mark Beck with any questions: Markjbeck@yahoo.com
Get ready for an EPIC summer adventure with us at TFC!
 🗓️  June 23rd-26th
 Experience a week jam-packed with fun and friends you won't forget!
 🏓Exciting games
🥏 Disc golf challenges
 Plus, enjoy delicious meals and awesome overnight stays at TFC!
 Spots are limited to 20 teens! Secure your spot for just $100. Don't miss out on this amazing week! 😎☀️
 Questions: 126elishawright@gmail.com


Dragon Slayer
 Dragon Slayer is an event that has been played all around the world and has been a perennial camp favorite. It incorporates the gameplay of Capture the Flag with a level system that starts everyone as a peasant, but only the determined will be able to rise to the rank of Dragon Slayer.
More on this rally to come. 

A good agent will be ready to do the following:
· Dress in dark, outdoor clothes.
· Invite your bravest friends.
· Be prepared to trek through fields and forests.
· Watch for the unexpected!
This is a free event for grades 6th-12th! An. offering for Teens For Christ will be taken, and a snack shop will be available.
More on this to come. 
The TFC Lock-In is an overnight event (Location to be determined) from 10pm on Friday to 6am on Saturday. It is full of games, tournaments, Worship, a gospel message, New and Old friends, pizza and pop, and... no sleeping allowed!
More on this to come.
Enjoy fun photo missions as your team races to complete challenges and score the most points. Cost is $10. Pizza and pop is provided.
 Grab all of your friends and join us for a fun-filled night!
More on this rally to come.