Bible Quiz Nationals Scholarship Request
There are two types of Scholarships.
The Joel Englund Memorial Scholarship - for those going to Nationals for the first time. ($50 scholarship)
The Bruce Cicchese Memorial Scholarship - for anyone going to Nationals.
(At least one parent's name and email address must be provided.)
I am requesting the
Joel Englund Memorial (first year at Nationals)
Bruce Cicchese Memorial
Quizzer First Name
Quizzer Last Name
Is this the first year the quizzer is going to Nationals?
Father's Name
Father's Email
Mother's Name
Mother's Email
Year the quizzer will graduate high school.
Number of verses the quizzer has memorized
Name of quiz team
Name of quiz coach
Including this year, how many years has the quizzer quizzed in regular season?
How many family members are going to Nationals?
Are you in need of financial help in order to go to Nationals?
How much can you pay towards Nationals?